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“How long will my printed gear last?” New igus online tool predicts lead time

Published on: 23rd April 2019

How long will my gear last? To answer this question, igus has now developed the gear service life calculator for its 3D-printed gears made of the laser sintering high-performance plastic iglidur I3. With the new online tool, the user receives a concrete statement in a few seconds about the service life of the wear-resistant part.


Hard on the outside, smart on the inside: igus develops world’s first intelligent plain bearing

Published on: 29th March 2019

Plain bearings often have to withstand considerable adverse influences such as abrasive dust, high speeds or chemicals. To enable indication of the degree of wear of such plain bearings in good time, igus has now developed the world’s first intelligent bearing with iglidur high-performance plastics. This warns of imminent failure in good time. Machine and equipment operators can plan maintenance, repairs and part replacement in advance.


Guide data, energy, fluids and air in a very tight space with igus

Published on: 29th March 2019

Guiding data and media in the tightest of spaces at high speeds is a major challenge for many users, for example in intralogistics. With the micro flizz, igus offers a compact energy supply system for travels up to 100 metres. It consists of an energy chain, flexible chainflex cables for tight bend radii and an aluminium guide channel. The micro flizz can now also be used with the new smart CF.D system. This monitors the data transmission characteristics of the cable in advance and promptly warns of a failure.


Continued growth with motion plastics: igus increases sales by 8.5 per cent

Published on: 25th March 2019

Configurable online, on the go and on a tablet, as a durable special part, 3D printed or equipped with smart intelligence – motion plastics are increasingly becoming high-tech components. At this year’s Hannover Messe, igus will be demonstrating this development with 120 new products – from the intelligent plain bearing to the world’s first online platform that brings suppliers and users of cost-effective robotics together.


Safe cable guidance on the robot for a small price with igus retraction system

Published on: 12th March 2019

Welding, riveting, soldering: Industrial robots must work dynamically and quickly in production. Therefore, a safe and compact guidance of cables and hoses is required. This is where the three-dimensional triflex energy chains from igus are used. If the e-chains form loops in the work area of the robot, it can damage the cables and hoses as well as lead to machine failure. For this reason, igus has now developed the new low-cost TR.RSEL retraction system. The system guides the energy chain in a line on the robot, ensuring trouble-free and fail-safe operation.